MIT students and employees are subject to all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations, as well as all MIT drug and alcohol policies. The acquisition, possession, transportation and consumption of alcohol by individuals under 21 years of age is prohibited by law and Institute policy.
Institiute Polices & Procedures
The following policies address the use of cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs at MIT.
- Campus Smoking Policy – MIT Policy 9.13.1
- Policy on the Use of Alcohol – MIT Policy 9.13.2
- Policy Regarding a Drug-Free Workplace – MIT Policy 9.13.3
Mind & Hand Book Policies
Alcohol and drug policies specific to MIT students are found in the Mind & Hand Book (II.2, A-E).
A. Alcohol Policy
B. Other Drug Policy (Prohibited Substances)
C. Requirement to Obtain Medical Assistance for Emergencies Involving Alcohol and Prohibited Substances
D. Institute Imposed Sanctions for Violations of Alcohol and Prohibited Substances Policies
E. Good Samaritan Amnesty Policy